After Care Program


The aim of the after-school martial arts program is to provide a fun and safe environment where students can come in and learn life lessons such as:


To help students get on their homework and learn the importance of education.

To help students enhance their social skills by interacting with other students while playing games, learning Kenpo, and having fun!

To achieve these goals, the students are expected to always cooperate and help each other.

The space will be limited so if you’re interested, please contact us as soon as possible. We look forward to helping your child be the best they can be.

Currently Servicing the Following Schools

Van #1: Santo Nino, Amy Biehl, Nina Otero

Van #2: Pinon, Nava, Kearny

Van #3: Wood Gormley, Carlos Gilbert

Even if your school is not listed, please call to see if we are able to pick up at your location.

Give us a call!  (505)412-2428 or (505)954-1067 Or send us a message if you’re interested in one of our Programs!